Here are an assortment of sites I think are worth checking out. Whether technical, creative, thoughtful or otherwise, I thought they are worth saving a link to and sharing with others.

Interesting personal sites & blogs

Music artists you should listen to

Personal data ownership/rights


Permacomputing / Small Computing

Open Source Hardware

Decentralization / Web / Communication





Society / Tech / Future / misc.

  • The Cluetrain Manifesto - “The end of business as usual”
  • Humane Tech Community - “We envision a future where we have unobtrusive technology that is empowering us and that allows humans to flourish and humanity to thrive”
  • Cooperative Technology - “technology that is constructed by and for the people whose lives are affected by its use”
  • Nikolas Badminton’s Futurist Insights - “articles that will help inform, entertain and educate you about the preferable, possible, plausible and preposterous futures that might exist”

Second Brain / Personal Wiki / Digital Garden

Retro Computing / Gaming